Spring2013-0101Where Can I Serve?
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.     
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of        them in all.
It takes many hands and voices to serve in Worship, Music,      Christian Education and Social Ministries all to glorify God.
What skills do you have?
How would you like to get involved in the worship ministry at Advent?
Altar Guild  Changes the liturgical paraments of the altar and pulpit. Sets and clears the altar for Holy Communion.
Choir Members/Praise Team  Leads the congregation at the 9:30 service in traditional worship the first the third Sundays, and in contemporary worship on the second and fourth Sundays.
Communion Assistants  Help serve Holy Communion at all celebrations of the Lord’s Supper.
Fellowship Time Hosts  Prepare and host coffee and refreshments following the 9:30am service.
Lay Readers  Read the appointed lessons at traditional services.
Ushers  Welcome visitors and members, distribute bulletins, college the offering, assist during Holy Communion and help with seating.